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What to expect at the testing visit

What to Expect at the Testing Visit

Will I be with my child? 

Children under 3 years typically remain with their parents, in the same room, for the assessment.  Those older than 4 typically separate, completing the testing in a nearby room with the evaluator.  We are always flexible to meet the needs of your family.


What do parents do during the testing?

Parents may be asked to complete questionnaires during the visit.  We have tablets for you to use for this purpose, or you can use your own device.  If you prefer to use your own device, we recommend a tablet or laptop (rather than a mobile phone), given the length of the questionnaires. 


Can I do my own work when I am not needed during the testing? 

Yes, please bring your own device.  We have reliable wireless service.


Must both parents attend the visit? 

It depends. If you are completing the medical history with Dr. Schonwald or Jodi Santosuosso NP, then yes. We strongly prefer to complete the medical history with all parents participating.  If the medical history is being completed at the same time as your child's testing visit occurs, then we hope both parents are available.  If the medical history was completed with our team before the date of your child's testing, then only one parent must attend the testing visit.


Can I leave Touchstone while my child is completing testing? 

No, we ask you to remain in our office throughout the period of testing.


​Can my child have a snack during the testing visit?   

Yes!  Please bring snacks and a drink.


Are bathrooms available? 

Yes!  Bathrooms are available on our floor.


How long will the testing visit last?

Children under 2 may complete their testing in 90 minutes, or may need several breaks and take longer.  Children aged 3-6 years may require 2-3 hours to complete testing.  Children over 6 years of age may take longer than 3 hours.  Each child is different, and we ask you to clear your schedule for the whole morning. 


What exactly will my child be doing during the testing?

For younger children, testing will look and feel like playing word games, completing puzzles, and answering questions.  Testing older children also includes assessment of reading, writing, and math.

Health Safety

Health Safety

What COVID precautions are in place?  


Coincident with the end of the public health emergency, Touchstone offices will become mask optional May 11, 2023.  If you or your child is sick, please stay home. If you or your child appears ill at the visit, we will ask you to rebook. If your child or anyone in your home is ill or has COVID, please let us know and we will rebook your visit within 3 weeks.


Can I wear a mask?




What if I prefer the Touchstone team wears a mask? 


Then we will! Please let your provider know and a mask will be donned immediately. In fact, if you are --for any reason -- uncomfortable entering an office that is mask optional, we have options:

  1. We can offer you a closed-door room rather than the open waiting room when you arrive

  2. With advanced notice, we can make your visit day mask-required for all staff and all in the waiting room

  3. Remote visits can be offered for some but not all visits


Forms required for your visit

Forms Required for Your Visit

I understand I have to complete certain forms before my child's visit.  Where can I find those forms to complete?


When your appointment is scheduled, you will be registered for our medical record (Athena.)  You will receive an email invitation from Athena to register for the patient portal with a username and password.  Once you have entered your secure portal account, you can find all of the forms. 

  • If you are on a mobile phone,  you must first check-in to your appointment (within 10 days of the appointment date) to complete the forms.

  • If you are using a desktop or laptop, all forms are available in your patient portal at all times.


How do I check-in to my appointment and complete the forms on my mobile phone?


1.  Within 10 days of the visit, log into the Patient Portal from our website

2.  You will see "Appointments."  Click on the + sign.

3.  On the next screen, click on “Upcoming Appointments."

4.  The date and type of appointment will show, with a blue oval button to the right that says, "Check-In Available." Click it.

5.  The next screen starts with the appointment information and then “Appointment Instructions.” Scroll down to see "Check In" and "Get Directions." Choose “Check In.” You are now asked to confirm your “Patient Information” and Continue.

6.  Finally! We get to screen that says, “Office Forms.” Click “download” to see the first form (Assignment of Benefits/Release of Billing Information), and then enter your name to sign it.

7.  Please do the same for the second form, Notice of Privacy Practices

8.  For those coming into the office for testing, a third form will also be requested, Consent for Testing


What forms must I complete before the visit?


For all visits, we require the following (ideally completed through the patient portal):  


1.  Assignment of Benefits/Release of Billing Information

2. Notice of Privacy Practices 


If your visit will be in-person, at our office, please complete this form: 


3.  Consent for Testing 


If you prefer not to use the patient portal for these forms, you may download each, sign, and return to  PDF versions are available by clicking on each of the form names above. 


​It is often helpful for teachers to share information about how your child functions in the classroom setting. We would appreciate teacher completed forms before your visit, for children 4-5 years of age and for those over 5 years & through adolescence.   PDF versions are available by clicking on each of the age group links above. Teachers can send forms directly to Touchstone, or you may upload to the patient portal.


If a mental health provider is working with your child or family outside of our office, we would appreciate the opportunity to communicate with that person, if that is comfortable to you.  For that communication, we ask for an additional specific consent form.  Please print, sign, and return to

Sending your child's reports before the visit

Sending Your Child’s Reports Before the Visit

Why should I send previous reports before the visit? 


Clinicians at Touchstone will always have a fresh approach to your child's presentation. However, reviewing evaluations completed in the past helps us understand the path leading up to our visit together.  For medical consults, Dr. Schonwald requires copies of previous evaluations to inform her clinical visit if possible.   Previous reports are not required for neuropsychological or academic testing, but are requested.


What previous evaluations should I send?


Please send the most recent versions of the following reports, if applicable:

  • Early Intervention Eligibility Evaluation

  • Early Intervention Family Service Plan (IFSP)

  • Section 504 Plan

  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

  • School testing (completed every 3 years, required to determine IEP eligibility)

    • Psychological Evaluation

    • Academic Evaluation

    • Speech and Language Evaluation

    • Occupational Therapy Evaluation

    • Physical Therapy Evaluation

    • Functional Behavioral Assessment

  • Independent Neuropsychological Testing

  • Independent Speech and Language Evaluation

  • Independent Occupational Therapy Evaluation

  • Medical Reports

    • Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician

    • Neurologist

    • Psychiatrist


Can I upload my reports into the Touchstone medical record, through the Athena Patient portal?



1. Enter the Patient Portal

2. Scroll down to Messages (do not choose the upper right option.) 

3. Choose your provider, location (main or telehealth) and subject (Other).

4. Attach your PDF, JPG, or PNG on the paperclip.

5. Hit send! 


Word documents will not upload. Save your word document as a PDF.


Where do I send my reports?


Please send your reports as an attachment to our HIPAA compliant email,


Telehealth and links

The week before your visit, you should receive an email with a link. Links are also provided on this website. Just click the link a few minutes before the visit start time. No other downloads needed. The same link is used for each of your visits with Alison Schonwald MD or with Jodi Santosuosso C-NP. Make sure your camera and microphone work.

Can't find the email? Look in your SPAM Folder for email from Touchstone Neurodevelopmental Center 

Still having trouble? Call us at 781-497-8164 or email

Get in Touch

P: 781-497-8164

F: 855-421-8645

304 Cambridge Road, Suite 320

Woburn, MA 01801

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